Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Sylvia Plath Quotes

Sylvia Plath Quotes Sylvia Plath is a controversial and passionate figure in American literature. A prolific writer who started writing before the age of 10, Plath is best known for her semi-autobiographical novel  The Bell Jar  and poems such as The Colossus and Lady Lazarus. Even as her words touch us to our very core, they also spur so many questions and debates. How could a woman who was filled with such beautiful and passionate words also be torn by such inner torment? She offers such a personal look at her life, love, and demons. Do we dare look away?   For a glimpse into Sylvia Plaths enduring works imbued with imagery, raw emotion, and haunting words, here is a list of quotes by the Pulitzer-winning poet.   Love and Relationships How we need another soul to cling to. Can you understand? Someone, somewhere, can you understand me a little, love me a little? For all my despair, for all my ideals, for all that - I love life. But it is hard, and I have so much - so very much to learn. I do not love; I do not love anybody except myself. That is a rather shocking thing to admit. I have none of the selfless love of my mother. I have none of the plodding, practical  love.-  The Journals of Sylvia Plath I love people. Everybody. I love them, I think, as a stamp collector loves his collection. Every story, every incident, every bit of conversation is raw material for me. My loves not impersonal yet not wholly subjective either. I would like to be everyone, a cripple, a dying man, a whore, and then come back to write about my thoughts, my emotions, as that person. But I am not omniscient. I have to live my life, and it is the only one Ill ever have.-  The Bell Jar I lean to you, numb as a fossil. Tell me Im here. I must get my soul back from you; I am killing my flesh without it.-  The Unabridged Journals of Sylvia Plath Kiss me and youll know how important I am. Let me live, love and say it well in good sentences.-  The Bell Jar There is nothing like puking with somebody to make you into old friends.-  The Bell Jar What did my arms do before they held you? Death Death must be so beautiful. To lie in the soft brown earth, with the grasses waving above ones head, and listen to silence. To have no  yesterday,  and no to-morrow. To forget time, to forgive life, to be at peace. -  The Bell Jar Self-Doubt And by the way, everything in life is writable about if you have the outgoing guts to do it, and the imagination to improvise. The worse enemy to creativity is self-doubt.-  The Journals of Sylvia Plath I am supposed to be having the time of my life.-  The Bell Jar I can never read all the books I want; I can never be all the people I want and live all the lives I want. I can never train myself in all the skills I want. And why do I want? I want to live and feel all the shades, tones and variations of mental and physical experience possible in life. And I am horribly limited. Inner-Tension I have the choice of being constantly active and happy or introspectively passive and sad. Or I can go mad ricocheting in between.-  The Unabridged Journals of Sylvia Plath I shut my eyes and all the world drops dead; I lift my eyes and all is born again. If neurotic is wanting two mutually exclusive things at one and the same time, then Im neurotic as hell. Ill be flying back and forth between one mutually exclusive thing and another for the rest of my days.- The Bell Jar Life has been some combination of fairy-tale coincidence and joie de vivre and shocks of beauty together with some hurtful self-questioning.- The Bell Jar Perhaps when we find ourselves wanting everything, it is because we are dangerously close to wanting nothing. Exuberance I felt my lungs inflate with the onrush of scenery - air, mountains, trees, people. I thought, This is what it is to be happy.-  The Bell Jar There must be quite a few things that a hot bath wont cure, but I dont know many of them. Remember, remember, this is now, and now, and now. Live it, feel it, cling to it. I want to become acutely aware of all Ive taken for granted. Thats one of the reasons I never wanted to get married. The last thing I wanted was infinite security and to be the place an arrow shoots off from. I wanted change and excitement and to shoot off in all directions myself, like the colored arrows from a Fourth of July rocket.- The Bell Jar Despair and Melancholy I talk to God but the sky is empty.-  The Bell Jar The silence depressed me. It wasnt the silence of silence. It was my own silence.- The Bell Jar The trouble was, I had been inadequate all along, I simply hadnt thought about it.- The Bell Jar There is something demoralizing about watching two people get more and more crazy about each other, especially when you are the only extra person in the room. Its like watching Paris from an express caboose heading in the opposite directionevery second the city gets smaller and smaller, only you feel its really you getting smaller and smaller and lonelier and lonelier, rushing away from all those lights and excitement at about a million miles an hour.- The Bell Jar To the person in the bell jar, blank and stopped as a dead baby, the world itself is a bad dream.-  The Bell Jar

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Your Comprehensive Guide to Negotiating Salary

Your Comprehensive Guide to Negotiating Salary No matter what your job, no matter what your industry, you have something in common with everyone else: you want to make more money as you move through your career. (Living the dream!) Similarly, the way to get there is pretty universal as well: learning how to negotiate your workplace value into cash money. Whether you’re already in a job and you’re seeking a raise, or you’ve just gotten a job offer and want to maximize your starting salary, there are tools to keep in your belt for negotiating your salary. 1. Negotiating Salary When You’ve Just Gotten a Job Offer  a.   When Should You Start Negotiating?  b.   What Tools Should You Have Ready to Go?  c.   How Should You Approach the Negotiation?  d.   When Do You Settle? Or, When Do You Walk Away?  e.   What Mistakes Are Lurking?  2. Negotiating Salary If  You’re Looking for a Raise/Promotion  a.  When Should You Start Negotiating?  b.  What Tools Should You Have Rea dy to Go?  c.  How Should You Approach It?  d.  When Do You Settle? Or, When Do You Walk Away?  How to Negotiate If You’ve Just Gotten a Job OfferCongratulations! Score! You’ve outwitted, outlasted, and outplayed your competitors to get to the end. (Oh wait, that’s Survivor.) Now after you’ve had a glass of champagne (or the fizzy celebratory beverage of your choice), don’t get too complacent- you’ve still got one more stage: the salary negotiation.  Business.com has a great overview of the process:When Should You Start Negotiating?You should wait until you have your job offer in hand. Mention money too early, and you run the risk of giving information that could limit your salary ceiling (like what you were earning previously, or what you’d be willing to accept now). It could also be a turn-off for the hiring company†¦you don’t want to seem too mercenary before you even have the job. During the interview phase s, focus on your attributes and experience, and on getting hired.Once you’ve received an offer, then it’s time to start negotiating your salary.What Tools Should You Have Ready to Go?  As you get ready for battle, here are three things to have at the top of your mind.1. A target salary rangeWhile you shouldn’t actually mention salary while you’re interviewing, you should definitely start thinking about the best-case scenario (job offer and salary negotiation stage) ahead of time. Part of that is doing your homework on what you’re worth, professionally.There are tons of resources online that can help you drill down into your specific industry and job, and find at least a range that feels comfortable based on your experience level. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics has baseline government data on salaries and career outlooks for various industries. Sites like Payscale.com, Salary.com, and GlassDoor.com can help you zoom in on your professional wo rth as well, aggregating data about real people’s salaries in various industries. You want your expectations to be realistic, so gather as much info as you can about the salaries attached to your new role (or similar jobs in the industry), for people at your experience level.2. Your selling points (which are now justification points)In addition to having a dollar range in mind, you should keep your resume and interview talking points handy as well. It may seem like those are old news after you aced your interview, but you should have a ready list of all of your accomplishments and experience to bolster any requests for a higher salary.3. Intangibles And don’t forget that while we call this â€Å"salary† negotiation, it’s about your entire compensation package at your new job. That includes yes, your baseline salary, but also vacation time, flexible work arrangements, paid leave, and other benefits. These may take a backseat to the official dollar amount, but they’re great to have as an additional bargaining chip- especially if the company proves unwilling or unable to meet your goal salary. You can try to get additional time off, or work-from-home arrangements to compensate for a slightly lower salary.4. Your dealbreaker amount Unfortunately, some negotiations won’t work out. As part of your salary range, you should also keep the lower limit in mind- the number where, if the salary falls below it and can’t budge upward, you can’t move forward with this new job.How Should You Approach the Negotiation?Some companies will include a salary offer with the official job offer. In this case, you would use that number as a starting point, or an â€Å"anchor.† If you get an offer without a dollar amount attached, you get to throw out a number as the anchor. Again (and I can’t emphasize this enough), be realistic. If you’re going for a mid-level management position and you walk in asking for a g iant signing bonus and a Ferrari, you might be laughed right out of your job offer.According to recruiter Nick Corcodilos, a goal to keep in mind for switching jobs is about a 20% increase in salary. That may or may not be realistic depending on your industry or your new company’s economic situation, but think of it as an ideal-world guideline.Either way, once the initial dollar amounts is out there, don’t accept the first offer from your new company. You won’t lose your job offer just for negotiating- it’s a commonplace part of the hiring process these days. Send a counteroffer, and go from there.To see how salary negotiations can play out, career author Ramit Sethi has a no-holds-barred approach in this video negotiation re-enactment:When Do You Settle? Or, When Do You Walk Away?As Kenny Rogers once told us, part of the game is knowing when to fold ‘em. Negotiation for a new job is a form of gambling- there’s no guarantee the company will m eet your salary request. If their initial and subsequent offers fall below what you are able to accept, then it’s okay to turn down the job offer and walk away. If you really need or want this job, and the salary offer falls substantially short, try to use that â€Å"intangibles† chip and try to bolster things like vacation time or job title as a way to offset the salary before you accept the offer.  Also, don’t let the process drag out indefinitely. The company is clearly interested in filling this role as soon as possible, and you want things to move along as well. Expect the process to advance over a short period of time†¦possibly a few days. Once you know things aren’t going to work, it’s better to put that out there and get the inevitable end out of the way.What Mistakes Are Lurking?Here are some of the top mistakes people make in negotiating a new job salary:Accepting the first offer. Just don’t do it! You don’t know how high you could have gone if you don’t even try.Aiming too high. Be realistic in your salary expectations.Being too aggressive. A respectful tone is key to the process- after all, these will likely be your colleagues soon. Confidence and information are great tools- swagger is not.Accepting without knowing salary. If, in your excitement, you accept the job offer without knowing what your salary is (and having a chance to respond or negotiate), you put yourself at a major disadvantage.How to Negotiate If You’re Looking for a Raise/PromotionIf you’re already comfortable in your job and are seeking a merit-based raise, the process is a little different. No one is going to come to you and say, â€Å"You know what? You’ve been awesome this year. Take this extra cash.† The initiative is all on you. It’s easy for both employers and employees to get complacent. Once they have you in place, what’s their incentive to keep throwing money at you? Many companies have an automatic yearly raise in place, often at the cost-of-living level. But even if you can already expect a bump in your salary this year, there’s no reason you can’t try to negotiate and maximize that. And if your company doesn’t have an automatic raise mechanism in place, all the more reason to make a case that you deserve more.RELATED:  How to Negotiate Your Salary in an InterviewWhen Should You Start Negotiating?Your annual review is a pretty common time to kick off this process. Your manager is already thinking about your performance for the year, and may have promotions on the brain. However, you don’t necessarily need to wait for an official window for talking about salary. If you’ve come to the conclusion that you would like to ask for more money, all you really need to do is schedule time with your boss to sit down and discuss. Make sure you have set a time when both of you can concentrate- don’t do it on the f ly (like as you’re both getting coffee in the morning).What Tools Should You Have Ready to Go?Even though you’ve likely been at your job for a while, don’t rely on your boss’s institutional memory of what you’ve done. Be prepared to come up with your â€Å"I deserve a raise today† package from scratch. This is especially true if your current boss isn’t the one who hired you. Don’t make him or her dig through your HR file to get your resume from six years ago. Here’s what you should be prepared to bring to your meeting:Updated resume. An up-to-date resume isn’t a betrayal of your employer, or a sign you’re looking to jump ship. It’s a smart tool to have: a current record of what you’ve accomplished in the time since you’ve been hired.A target salary range. Similar to a new hire, you should know what you’re worth, professionally. Use sites like the S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Pa yscale.com, Salary.com, and GlassDoor.com to figure out where you should be aiming. This can be good for two reasons: a) If you’re making less than other people in similar roles, that’s a great talking point to have; and b) it prevents you from asking for the Moon when you should be asking for, say, a modest moon rock.Non-salary considerations. Would your life be easier if you could work from home one day a week? Can you get three extra vacation days? These are things to consider, especially if your company isn’t able or willing to meet your â€Å"suggested† new salary.A plan B. If your company can’t or won’t compensate you to a level you deserve based on your achievements and experience, then what’s your next move? Do you sigh, keep the status quo, and try again next year? Or do you decide that this is no longer a company you want to work for? Before you talk with your boss, have a sense of what you will do, pending different outcome s.How Should You Approach It?Long before you approach your boss about a raise, make sure you’re performing at the top of your game. Take on extra responsibilities, and make sure everything’s documented. Seek out leadership opportunities within your company. And always, always have specific examples in mind. You’ll need to justify the extra money, so having concrete talking points as to how you’ve gone above and beyond will make it easier for your boss to either approve, or pass it along to the next level for consideration.25% of people that asked for a raise got more money than they were expectingThe politics can be tricky with an in-house request for a raise. After all, you’re not facing a faceless HR person or someone you met once for an interview. You’re approaching someone you’ve worked with, possibly for a long time. According to research by Undercover Recruiter, people are anxious in general about asking for a raise- as many as 39% of people are hesitant to dive into the process, with a scant 26% of women and 40% of men feeling confident enough to go for it: Once you’ve gathered your data points and gathered the courage to approach your manager about a raise, make sure you keep a balanced, professional tone throughout. Even if you and your boss are best buds, remember that this is a relationship-neutral zone: he or she can’t reward you just for being a hilarious friend, or a co-conspirator in office shenanigans. Remember that you’re negotiating something as a professional, so act like the consummate professional who deserves more compensation.When Do You Settle? Or, When Do You Walk Away?Unlike a new job offer salary negotiation, you don’t have the same luxury of walking away from the process. If your boss says no, you still have to show up at work the next day. This is where your Plan B comes in handy. If you’d already decided that you’re going to move on if the c ompany doesn’t give you a raise, don’t quit in a snit. Calmly end the conversation with your boss, and quietly make plans to look for your next job opportunity. Remember, it’s easier to look for a job while you have a job, so don’t give up in anger and endanger your security in the meantime.So what do you think? Are you ready to approach your next salary discussion like the keen-eyed shark you can be?RELATED:  11 Tips for Getting the Salary You Want

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Publicly traded corporation Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Publicly traded corporation - Assignment Example By doing so, when customers go for shopping, they get quality products and quality assistance from the attendants thereby making the customers feel delighted and satisfied (Karen, 2001). With this vision, Woolworth ensures that the customers make repeat sales. The organizations vision is â€Å"to continue to drive its retail business, bring to customers greater convenience, quality, lower prices and better value, range, freshness and service.† The whole reason for an organization to have a vision is to remain relevant in the industry and to ensure its sustainability in the future. With this vision, Woolworth has embarked on industry and market research in order to ensure its survival in the industry. Its survival depends on the growth of the company, the growth of its employees, satisfaction of its customer base, quality and durable products, affordable and competitive prices, innovation, creativity and better customer service. (Comyns, 2000). The stakeholders also have an imp act on the success of any organization. Stakeholders are people who have interests in an organization. Stake holders in an organization include investors, shareholders, staff suppliers, customers, governing bodies and suppliers, business partners, trade associations and the community that surrounds the organization. All these stakeholders have to be satisfied by the company, thus Woolworth as an organization with stakeholders has to work hard towards the satisfaction of its stakeholders, and when they are satisfied, it means that the business is successful. Stakeholders play an important role in the success of the company, thus Woolworth aims at appreciating the importance of the stakeholders in the organization. Apart from this, the organization involves the stakeholders in the development, implementation and managing of business goals and objectives. Woolworth also informs the stake holders of culture associated with the company. Furthermore, Woolworth ensures a good relationship with the stake holders to avoid any disruption of the business. When a section of the stakeholders demand a resource, the company plans for the particular resource, ensures the particular stake holder is satisfied and that the business continues with its smooth operation. Woolworth also ensures flow of communication between the company and the stakeholders at all times when something happens. Lastly, Woolworth arranges for community development projects, medical camps and educational sessions for the stakeholders (Anderson, 2005). All these are done to satisfy the stakeholders as they are important to the success of the company. Five forces of competition to determine how they impact the company Rivalry in the industry Woolworth faces competition from four major competitors namely Sears, Wal-Mart, Kmart and Kholac Corporation. These are the main players in the industry each with a large customer base. Since these five companies are the main players, the industry has been slow in gro wth because the market has been dominated by these retail giants. Woolworth has to compete with these other equally successful organizations. It therefore has to up its game in terms of employee satisfaction and motivation, customer delight and satisfaction and innovation (Institution, 2011). Woolworth has to ensure that the products it holds in its shelves

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

ECOSYSTEM TOXIC THREAT RISK ASSESSMENT Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

ECOSYSTEM TOXIC THREAT RISK ASSESSMENT - Essay Example Transport can be the moving of people from one place to the next or the movement of goods and other items such as raw materials from their sources to the manufacturing site. According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), vehicle exhaust fumes have been confirmed to contain carcinogens; a statement that is further confirmed by the World health Organization (WHO) which said that the fumes expelled by diesel vehicles contain a harmful amount of carcinogens that may harm people who take them in through breathing. The National Institute of Health (NIH) and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) back up this information by confirmation of the information stated above (Thakur and Haru 64). From the website Answers.com, the toll of exhaust fumes to the environment is high since they affect a wide range of the components of the environment from human beings, animals and the environment in general. With components such as lead and sulfur emissions, there are many detrimental effects of exhaust fumes to the environment (Monosson 44). From the class notes and the course being undertaken, it has been proven that vehicle exhaust emissions form a large part of the green house gases that are responsible for the increase in the temperature of the earth in what is called global warming. While there is information from many sources against the high amounts of vehicle exhaust gases and fumes and their contribution to global warming in general, the website eHow.com has an argument that depicts vehicle fumes as only having little effect on the environment compared to the other sources of pollution like industries. The author of this article argues that it is not right to put blame on vehicle exhaust fumes as the main cause of global warming when it is this area that had had the most improvement in terms of eliminating the negative impacts to the environment (Barrow 71). It is thus a great topic to choose upon given that is has a lot of information and topics for discussion. Section Two: Vulnerability of the Environment to Vehicle Fumes The impact of vehicle exhaust fumes is majorly chronic in its impact on the environment. Since the impact of many polluting elements is chronic to the environment, those of exhaust fumes follow the same path and have the same impact. This is due to the reason that it takes some time for the chemical elements in the fumes, which are mostly little in amount, to accumulate to harmful levels and thus affect the environment (Jones 86). The threat from vehicle exhaust fumes is also systemic (ecosystem) in nature given the fact that it affects the environment as a whole. The elements released by vehicles and the gases that accompany them add up to cause not only diseases in animals and human beings but also cause global warming that affects the whole ecosystem (Gupta 45). No specific species is targeted by the negative effects of these chemicals since they affect all the living species from plants to animals in equal measure. S ection Three: Risk Assessment The risk level from exhaust fumes is very real given that each day; a very large amount of fumes is released by vehicles all over the world. The number of vehicles owned especially by private individuals increases every single day given that more and more people are affording to buy vehicles for their personal use and other purposes. Even with efforts that are

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Was the Civil War Inevitable Essay Example for Free

Was the Civil War Inevitable Essay Was the Civil War inevitable? This was one of the most controversial arguments in American history. Personally, I think this war would happen sooner or later. The long-term cause was the different ideas on the slavery system between the North and the South. After the Confederates attacked Fort Sumter, the Civil War began. Slavery was the biggest problem between the North and the South. The economy in the south relied on agriculture. The owners of big plantations required thousands of slaves to work for them in order to earn profits. Oppositely, in the north, the industrial revolution began. Plenty of new factories were built and they needed lots of workers. At the same time, lots of immigrants from countries such as Germany, Britain and Ireland, came to the north. Almost all of them had the same purpose which was to achieve the â€Å"American Dream†. They believed that if they worked hard, they could be rich eventually. They strongly opposed the slavery system because almost of them were poor in their countries. They believed that everyone was born equal and people should be treated equally, too. As the population grew rapidly in the north, the situation in the House of Representatives changed as well. The South now had fewer representatives and fewer advantages. They were really horrified. There were several key events heated up the rivalry and led up to the Civil War, some of these were the Wilmot Proviso, Bleeding Kansas, Dred Scott decision in the Supreme Court, John Brown at Harpers Ferry and the military action in Fort Sumter. â€Å"The Wilmot Proviso claimed that neither slavery nor involuntary servitude shall ever exist in any part of said territory† (Remini, Page 127). Finally the Proviso was passed and southerners were angry about it. Later on, in Kansas, â€Å"violence erupted between free men and slaveholders that degenerated into a local civil war† (Remini, Page 137). It brought the tension between the North and the South into a higher level. Dred Scott, a black slave, sued for his freedom and citizenship. After that, what John Brown did really brought some kind of horror to southerners. â€Å"He led a raid that he hoped would ignite a slave insurrection† (Remini, Page 140). He seized the federal arsenal there and killed some southerners. The direct cause of the Civil War was the military action at Fort Sumter. President Lincoln decided to provision Fort Sumter in the Charleston harbor. Confederates attacked the fort and the Civil War began. In my opinion, the American Civil War was inevitable. The root cause was the existence of the slavery system. It  slowed down the industrial development of the North, but helped the plantation system in the South. Both sides argued whether slavery should be allowed in the new states or not. They had no way to come up with an agreement. After Lincoln was elected to be the president, some southern states quit the Union and formed a new â€Å"Union†. In order to protect and maintain the Union of the states, the battle between the North and the South finally started. As a result, throughout the American Civil War, the slavery system was abolished in the United States. It really cleared the â€Å"barrier† of capitalism, which was the slavery system, and spurred the U.S. economy rapidly on.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Science vs Religion Essay -- Religion vs Education Essays

"Religion is part of the human make-up. It's also part of our cultural and intellectual history. Religion was our first attempt at literature, the texts, our first attempt at cosmology, making sense of where we are in the universe, our first attempt at health care, believing in faith healing, our first attempt at philosophy." --- Christopher Hitchens With the loud protests of a small number of religious groups over teaching scientific concepts like evolution and the Big Bang in public schools, and the equally loud proclamations of a few scientists with personal, anti-religious philosophies, it can sometimes seem as though science and religion are at war. News outlets offer plenty of reports of school board meetings, congressional sessions, and Sunday sermons in which scientists and religious leaders launch attacks at one another. But just how representative are such conflicts? Not very. The attention given to such clashes glosses over the far more numerous cases in which science and religion harmoniously coexist. The fact is, there are a great number of Americans out there ...

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Cover Letter Essay

I would like to apply for the role of Intermediate Support Developer in your organization as the details of the job role and company itself are very appealing to me. I have enclosed my resume for your consideration. I am an enthusiastic and high-achieving IT professional with a Masters of Computer Science. I have exceptional technical and analytical skills, with over 3 years’ experience in providing application support at level 1 and 2 for critical business applications with additional duties of unit and integration testing, technical documentation and prioritising and allocation of user tickets. I possess the ability to take initiative with a positive and friendly attitude. My excellent communication skill helps me understand user’s requirements to provide them with an excellent customer service. Working in a highly dynamic work environment, has given me the sound knowledge of interacting with business users and external stake holders, finding technical solutions, answering questions quickly, and leaving a mark of satisfaction in customer’s mind. You will find me to be positive, ready to learn and hardworking who has ability to multitask and communicate effectively with non-technical users. I believe my attitude, expertise, skills, and excellent time management skills will prove to be an asset to the organization. Thank you for your time and I look forward to hearing from you.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Belbins Roles In Learning Education Essay

This study is all about our group work. How we formed the group and completed the work. What jobs we faced and how we overcome them. Theories we used and the acquisition ‘s. My study is divided into 2 parts: A and B. Part A – how we did it – procedure Part B – what we did – contentPart – AngstromWhilst working in the group we experienced so many things, we besides learn how of import group work is. We besides learnt how to work in the group as a squad participant. We besides noticed as a group we had gone through all the phases which are said by B W Tuckman, which is as follows:FORMINGThis is the phase where we formed our group. We were in group â€Å" D † which was formed by our professor indiscriminately and I got the chance to take the group with the common consent of all group members. Our group consist of 6 members and their descriptions are follows:NameBelbin functionsDescriptionStrengthsFailingShatrughna ( raj )squad leaderTeam worker Cares for persons and the squad. Good hearer and works to decide societal jobs. Can hold jobs doing hard determinations. Co-operative, mild, perceptive and diplomatic Listens, physiques, averts clash Indecisive in crunch state of affairssVijay SinghCompleter Closer Faithfully sees things through to the terminal, pressing out the furrows and guaranting everything plants good. Can worry excessively much and non trust others. Painstaking, careful and dying Searchs out errors and skips Delivers on clip Inclined to worry overly Unwilling to deputeShervinCo -ordinator Respected leader who helps everyone focal point on their undertaking. Can be seen as overly commanding. Mature, confident, a good president Explains ends, promotes decision-making, delegates good Can frequently be seen as manipulative Off tonss personal workGinsySpecialist Has expert knowledge/skills in cardinal countries and will work out many jobs here. Can be disinterested in all other countries. Single-minded, self-starting, dedicated Provides cognition and accomplishments in rare supply Contributes merely on a narrow forepart Dwells on triflesKayMaker Tonss of energy and action, disputing others to travel forwards. Can be insensitive. Challenging, dynamic and thrives on force per unit area The thrust and bravery to get the better of obstructions Prone to aggravation Offends people ‘s feelingsAZeeshanResource research worker Explores new thoughts and possibilities with energy and with others. Good networker. Can be excessively optimistic and lose energy after the initial flower. Extrovert, enthusiastic, communicative Explores chances Develops contacts Over-optimistic Loses involvement one time initial enthusiasm has passed From the above tabular array we can understand that we had every possible Belbin ‘s characters in our group. Bing the leader of the group I had the duty of our success and failure. My biggest challenge was to maintain integrity within the group and at the same clip I had to concentrate on our undertaking: things like subject, research and all. First thing I did was the debut session, where we all sat together in the canteen and introduced ourselves to each other. In that clip we didnt speak anything about our subject and undertaking. The chief thought was to cognize each other really good so that everyone feels comfy in working together. Following measure was how we will pass on with each other so I made a private web site for our squad where we all can come any clip and unrecorded confab, web log, remark and interchange our thoughts.www.freewebs.com/time4studyLearning:High dependance on leader for counsel and way. Small understanding on squad aims other than received from leader. Individual functions and duties are ill-defined. Leader must be prepared to reply tonss of inquiries about the squad ‘s intent, aims and external relationships. Procedures are frequently ignored. Members test tolerance of system and leader. Leader directs ( similar to Situational LeadershipA ® ‘Telling ‘ manner ) .STORMINGThis is the phase where I realised the importance of Belbin ‘s theory. Before get downing the undertaking we had to take a subject so I came up with several subjects. When I put my thoughts in forepart of everyone, I got different responses from different people, as said in belbin ‘s theory people started demoing their characters. We all were confused, tensed and started sort of contending. Thingss were looking truly bad and I was truly disquieted about the integrity in the group. I besides saw a sort of group formation within our group. Then I personally approached everyone. I spoke to them separately about what ‘s incorrect. What is the job? I tried my best to convert them about the importance of integrity and fortuitously I got a positive response. Actually there was no job ; it ‘s merely the clang of different personalities. And subsequently on everyone realised that. So eventually we decided on one subject and consulted our coach about our thought. We got really good response from our coach and once more we were happy and united.Learning:Decisions do n't come easy within group. Team members vie for place as they attempt to set up themselves in relation to other squad members and the leader, who might have challenges from squad members. Clarity of purpose additions but plentifulness of uncertainnesss persist. Cliques and cabals signifier and there may be power battles. The squad needs to be focused on its ends to avoid going distracted by relationships and emotional issues. Compromises may be required to enable advancement. Leader managers ( similar to Situational LeadershipA ® ‘Selling ‘ manner ) .NORMINGNow everything was clear, there was no misinterpretation and most significantly we knew our subject of research. This is the phase where people started sharing their jobs with each other and recognized my function as a squad leader. Now I wanted to organize everything decently so that we do n't halt in the center. I distributed the work and gave them the option for any alterations. I asked everyone separately if they are happy or non. Again I had to do some alterations in our programs for their convenience. Now, we knew precisely what everyone had to make. Everyone knew their functions, their country of research and work. We all started concentrating on our portion of research.Raj( Research, information assemblage, organizing, accounts, debut and decision, assisting everyone )Vijay( Problems, types, illustrations, impact, planing, )Ginsy( Psychological jobs, impact )Shervin( Solutions and recommendations )ZeeshanHelping custodiesKayHelping custodiesLearning:Agreement and consensus is mostly formed amongst squad, who respond good to facilitation by leader. Roles and duties are clear and accepted. Large determinations are made by group understanding. Smaller determinations may be delegated to persons or little squads within group. Commitment and integrity is strong. The squad may prosecute in merriment and societal activities. The squad discusses and develops its procedures and working manner. There is general regard for the leader and some of leading is more shared by the squad. Leader f acilitates and enables ( similar to the Situational LeadershipA ® ‘Participating ‘ manner ) .ActingUndertakings were given now the clip was to execute and everyone had to demo their quality. Result was flooring. We all shared our work and we all were really happy to see that we were on the right path. Personally, I was really happy to see the quality of our work. Everyone had done tonss of difficult work which was demoing in the research stuff. I had great trouble while finalizing the presentation. I was confused about what to see in the presentation and what should go forth. Fortunately everyone were collaborating and believing about what is best for the group. We finished our presentation and were thirstily waiting for showing it in forepart of everyone.Learning:The squad is more strategically cognizant ; the squad knows clearly what it is making and why it is making. The squad has a shared vision and is able to stand on its ain pess with no intervention or engagemen t from the leader. There is a focal point on over-achieving ends, and the squad makes most of the determinations against standards agreed with the leader. The squad has a high grade of liberty. Disagreements occur but now they are resolved within the squad positively and necessary alterations to procedures and construction are made by the squad. The squad is able to work towards accomplishing the end, and besides to go to to relationship, manner and procedure issues along the manner. Team members look after each other. The squad requires delegated undertakings and undertakings from the leader. The squad does non necessitate to be instructed or assisted. Team members might inquire for aid from the leader with personal and interpersonal development. Leader delegates and oversees ( similar to the Situational LeadershipA ® ‘Delegating ‘ manner ) .ADJOURNINGLearning:Tuckman ‘s 5th phase, Adjourning, is the break-up of the group, hopefully when the undertaking is compl eted successfully, its intent fulfilled ; everyone can travel on to new things, experiencing good about what ‘s been achieved. From an organisational position, acknowledgment of and sensitiveness to people ‘s exposures in Tuckman ‘s 5th phase is helpful, peculiarly if members of the group have been closely bonded and experience a sense of insecurity or menace from this alteration. Feelingss of insecurity would be natural for people with high ‘steadiness ‘ properties ( as respects the ‘four dispositions ‘ or DISC theoretical account ) and with strong modus operandi and empathy manner ( as respects theA BenzigerA believing manners theoretical account, right and left basal encephalon laterality ) .Part – BacillusWhat is our subject? Our subject of presentation and research was â€Å" employee favoritism † Why we chose this subject? While analyzing human resources we noticed that we did n't discourse about diverseness and favoritism and this is the biggest job faced by all administrations because of globalization. We thought this is a alone subject and everyone will acquire the opportunity to larn how favoritism impacts and what is the solution. After all today or tomorrow we all are traveling to confront this job.My part:As a squad leader I had to take the enterprise and inspire others from my work. I started posting my work on our web site. I did research on – Diversity and favoritism, Meaning and definitions London as a diverse metropolis Problems and impact Solutions and recommendations Laws and moralss My entire work was around 10,000 words. ( Can be viewed on our web site ) hypertext transfer protocol: //time4study.webs.com/apps/blog/My work methodological analysis:Undertakingaˆ? specify the undertaking aˆ? make the program aˆ? allocate work and resources aˆ? control quality and rate of work aˆ? cheque public presentation against program aˆ? adjust the programTeamaˆ? maintain subject aˆ? physique squad spirit aˆ? encourage, motivate, give a sense of intent aˆ? appoint sub-leaders aˆ? guarantee communicating within group aˆ? develop the groupMembershipSize of the groupCompatibility of membersDiversenessIndividualaˆ? attend to personal jobs aˆ? congratulations persons aˆ? give position aˆ? recognize and utilize single abilities aˆ? develop the personCardinal Drivers:Group coherence + public presentationStructure and mannerManagement and leadingSuccessExternal menaceWork environmentNature ofthe undertakingPhysicalputingCommunicationTechnologyGroup development and adulthoodFormingRampingNormingPerformingLearning as Team leader:Learning as team leader:Ideal taking mannerAsking inquiries alternatively of giving repliesBy inquiring such inquiries such as â€Å" What do you believe we should make? † or â€Å" How make you propose we continue? † you take a measure behind another individual. Whether you stay behind, of class, depends on your purpose to really follow the suggestion or reply of that other individual.Supplying chances for others to take youThis goes beyond the traditional impression of looking for growing chances for other people. Unless the chance in inquiry bears a existent hazard for your personal public presentation result, you are non really positioning yourself as a follower.Ma king existent work in support of others alternatively of merely the contraryRolling up your arms and lending â€Å" perspiration equity † to the attempts and results of other people earns you their grasp as person upon whom they can depend, irrespective of the comparative hierarchical or functional place each of you holds.Leader must follow are:Individual public presentationAs a leader, you must follow another person, irrespective of hierarchy, if: aˆ? That person, through experience, accomplishment, and opinion, knows best. aˆ? That person ‘s growing demands that you invest more in his or her accomplishment and assurance than in your ain. aˆ? Merely that single, non you, has the capacity ( the clip and chance ) to â€Å" acquire it done †Team public presentationAs a leader, you must follow the squad if: aˆ? The squad ‘s intent and public presentation ends demand it aˆ? The squad, non you, must develop accomplishments and assurance aˆ? The squad ‘s agreed-upon working attack requires you, like all the others, to make existent workOrganizational public presentationAs a leader, you must follow others, irrespective of hierarchy, if: aˆ? The organisation ‘s intent and public presentation ends demand it aˆ? The demand for spread outing the leading capacity of others in the organisation requires it aˆ? â€Å" Living † the vision and values enjoins you to make soFive transformational manners:Transformational StyleLeader Behaviour1 ) Idealized Behaviors: populating one ‘s ideals aˆ? Talk about their most of import values and beliefs aˆ? Specify the importance of holding a strong sense of intent aˆ? See the moral and ethical effects of determinations aˆ? Champion exciting new possibilities aˆ? Talk about the importance of swearing each other2 ) Inspirational Motivation:animating others aˆ? Talk optimistically about the hereafter aˆ? Talk enthusiastically about what needs to be accomplished aˆ? Articulate a compelling vision of the hereafter aˆ? Express assurance that ends will be achieved aˆ? Provide an exciting image of what is indispensable to see aˆ? Take a base on controversial issues3 ) Intellectual Stimulation:exciting others aˆ? Re-examine critical premises to oppugn whether they are appropriate aˆ? Seek differing positions when work outing jobs aˆ? Get others to look at jobs from many different angles aˆ? Suggest new ways of looking at how to finish assignments aˆ? Encourage non-traditional thought to cover with traditional jobs aˆ? Encourage rethinking those thoughts which have ne'er been questioned before 4 ) Individualized Consideration: coaching and development aˆ? Spend clip instruction and coaching aˆ? Treat others as persons instead than merely as members of the group aˆ? Consider persons as holding different demands, abilities, and aspirations from others aˆ? Help others to develop their strengths aˆ? Listen attentively to others ‘ concerns aˆ? Promote ego development5 ) Idealized Properties:Respect, trust, and religion aˆ? Instill pride in others for being associated with them aˆ? Go beyond their opportunisms for the good of the group aˆ? Act in ways that build others ‘ regard aˆ? Display a sense of power and competency aˆ? Make personal forfeits for others ‘ benefit aˆ? Reassure others that obstructions will be overcomeDecisionAlthough non every group got to the harmonic public presentation phase, I felt really lucky to be portion of a cohesive group. Our group went through all five phases described by Tuckman. As we were schoolmates in the same class, we went through phase one really rapidly. The storming phase largely evolved in the first hebdomad when we discussed which sort of subject we should take. However, every struggle was dealt with rapidly and swimmingly, this was partially because we knew each other really good already, and besides because no 1 of us had a ascendant personality, and I would wish to state everyone in our group was really nice, helpful and difficult working. So every bit long as we decided to make the undertaking, we shortly engaged to norming phase and put up the regulations each one should follow. We did back up each other, and our communicating had ever been really good. Based on the successful old phases, our g roup performed really good, successfully developed the presentation. Finally, although our undertaking had finished, all five of us became really good friends, and maintain in good touch boulder clay now. After reexamining the theories together with my ain experience, I would reason that, in pattern, many groups can work good even without consciousness of this theoretical account. However, with these theoretical accounts ‘ aid, we can break understand what is go oning and traveling to go on during group development, and this consciousness can assist us to better decide any possible jobs and acquire to the perform phase more rapidly.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Overview of The Education of Women by Daniel Defoe

Overview of 'The Education of Women' by Daniel Defoe Best known as the author of Robinson Crusoe  (1719), Daniel Defoe was an extremely versatile and prolific author. A journalist as well as a novelist, he produced more than 500 books, pamphlets, and journals. The following essay first appeared in 1719, the same year in which Defoe published the first volume of Robinson Crusoe. Observe how he directs his appeals to a male audience as he develops his argument that women should be allowed full and ready access to education. The Education of Women by Daniel Defoe I have often thought of it as one of the most barbarous customs in the world, considering us as a civilized and a Christian country, that we deny the advantages of learning to women. We reproach the sex every day with folly and impertinence; while I am confident, had they the advantages of education equal to us, they would be guilty of less than ourselves. One would wonder, indeed, how it should happen that women are conversible at all; since they are only beholden to natural parts, for all their knowledge. Their youth is spent to teach them to stitch and sew or make baubles. They are taught to read, indeed, and perhaps to write their names, or so; and that is the height of a woman’s education. And I would but ask any who slight the sex for their understanding, what is a man (a gentleman, I mean) good for, that is taught no more? I need not give instances, or examine the character of a gentleman, with a good estate, or a good family, and with tolerable parts; and examine what figure he makes for want of education. The soul is placed in the body like a rough diamond; and must be polished, or the luster of it will never appear. And ’tis manifest, that as the rational soul distinguishes us from brutes; so education carries on the distinction, and makes some less brutish than others. This is too evident to need any demonstration. But why then should women be denied the benefit of instruction? If knowledge and understanding had been useless additions to the sex, GOD Almighty would never have given them capacities; for he made nothing needless. Besides, I would ask such, What they can see in ignorance, that they should think it a necessary ornament to a woman? or how much worse is a wise woman than a fool? or what has the woman done to forfeit the privilege of being taught? Does she plague us with her pride and impertinence? Why did we not let her learn, that she might have had more wit? Shall we upbraid women with folly, when ’tis only the error of this inhuman custom, that hindered t hem from being made wiser? The capacities of women are supposed to be greater, and their senses quicker than those of the men; and what they might be capable of being bred to, is plain from some instances of female wit, which this age is not without. Which upbraids us with Injustice, and looks as if we denied women the advantages of education, for fear they should vie with the men in their improvements. [They] should be taught all sorts of breeding suitable both to their genius and quality. And in particular, Music and Dancing; which it would be cruelty to bar the sex of, because they are their darlings. But besides this, they should be taught languages, as particularly French and Italian: and I would venture the injury of giving a woman more tongues than one. They should, as a particular study, be taught all the graces of speech, and all the necessary air of conversation; which our common education is so defective in, that I need not expose it. They should be brought to read books, and especially history; and so to read as to make them understand the world, and be able to know and judge of things when they hear of them. To such whose genius would lead them to it, I would deny no sort of learning; but the chief thing, in general, is to cultivate the understandings of the sex, that they may be capable of all sorts of conversation; that their parts and judgments being improved, they may be as profitable in their conversation as they are pleasant. Women, in my observation, have little or no difference in them, but as they are or are not distinguished by education. Tempers, indeed, may in some degree influence them, but the main distinguishing part is their Breeding. The whole sex are generally quick and sharp. I believe, I may be allowed to say, generally so: for you rarely see them lumpish and heavy, when they are children; as boys will often be. If a woman be well bred, and taught the proper management of her natural wit, she proves generally very sensible and retentive. And, without partiality, a woman of sense and manners is the finest and most delicate part of Gods Creation, the glory of Her Maker, and the great instance of His singular regard to man, His darling creature: to whom He gave the best gift either God could bestow or man receive. And ’tis the sordidest piece of folly and ingratitude in the world, to withhold from the sex the due luster which the advantages of education gives to the natural beauty of their minds. A woman well bred and well taught, furnished with the additional accomplishments of knowledge and behavior, is a creature without comparison. Her society is the emblem of sublimer enjoyments, her person is angelic, and her conversation heavenly. She is all softness and sweetness, peace, love, wit, and delight. She is every way suitable to the sublimest wish, and the man that has such a one to his portion, has nothing to do but to rejoice in her, and be thankful. On the other hand, Suppose her to be the very same woman, and rob her of the benefit of education, and it follows- - If her temper be good, want of education makes her soft and easy. Her wit, for want of teaching, makes her impertinent and talkative. Her knowledge, for want of judgment and experience, makes her fanciful and whimsical. If her temper be bad, want of breeding makes her worse; and she grows haughty, insolent, and loud. If she be passionate, want of manners makes her a termagant and a scold, which is much at one with Lunatic. If she be proud, want of discretion (which still is breeding) makes her conceited, fantastic, and ridiculous. And from these she degenerates to be turbulent, clamorous, noisy, nasty, the devil! The great distinguishing difference, which is seen in the world between men and women, is in their education; and this is manifested by comparing it with the difference between one man or woman, and another. And herein it is that I take upon me to make such a bold assertion, That all the world are mistaken in their practice about women. For I cannot think that God Almighty ever made them so delicate, so glorious creatures; and furnished them with such charms, so agreeable and so delightful to mankind; with souls capable of the same accomplishments with men: and all, to be only Stewards of our Houses, Cooks, and Slaves. Not that I am for exalting the female government in the least: but, in short, I would have men take women for companions, and educate them to be fit for it. A woman of sense and breeding will scorn as much to encroach upon the prerogative of man, as a man of sense will scorn to oppress the weakness of the woman. But if the women’s souls were refined and improved by teaching, that word would be lost. To say, the weakness of the sex, as to judgment, would be nonsense; for ignorance and folly would be no more to be found among women than men. I remember a passage, which I heard from a very fine woman. She had wit and capacity enough, an extraordinary shape and face, and a great fortune: but had been cloistered up all her time; and for fear of being stolen, had not had the liberty of being taught the common necessary knowledge of women’s affairs. And when she came to converse in the world, her natural wit made her so sensible of the want of education, that she gave this short reflection on herself: I am ashamed to talk with my very maids, says she, for I don’t know when they do right or wrong. I had more need go to school, than be married. I need not enlarge on the loss the defect of education is to the sex; nor argue the benefit of the contrary practice. ’Tis a thing will be more easily granted than remedied. This chapter is but an Essay at the thing: and I refer the Practice to those Happy Days (if ever they shall be) when men shall be wise enough to mend it.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Definition and Examples of Parison

Definition and Examples of Parison Parison is a  rhetorical term for corresponding structure in a series of phrases,  clauses,  or sentences- adjective to adjective, noun to noun, and so on.  Adjective: parisonic. Also known as  parisosis, membrum, and compar. In grammatical terms, parison is a type of parallel or correlative structure. In  Directions for Speech and Style  (circa 1599), Elizabethan  poet John Hoskins described parison as an even gait of sentences answering each other in measures interchangeably. He cautioned that although it is a smooth and memorable style for utterance, . . . in penning [writing]  it must be used moderately and modestly. Etymology: From the Greek. evenly balanced Pronunciation: PAR-uh-son Examples and Observations The closer you get, the better you look.(advertising slogan for Nice n Easy Shampoo)The louder he talked of his honor, the faster we counted our spoons.(Ralph Waldo Emerson, Worship)Everything you want, nothing you dont.(a slogan for Nissan automobiles)The milk chocolate melts in your mouth- not in your hand.(advertising slogan for MMs candy)Promise her anything, but give her Arpege.(advertising slogan for Arpege perfume, 1940s)Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe, to assure the survival and the success of liberty.(President John Kennedy, Inaugural Address, January  1961)A day without orange juice is like a day without sunshine.(slogan of the Florida Citrus Commission)I have lovd, and got, and told,But should I love, get, tell, till I were old,I should not find that hidden mystery.(John Donne, Loves Alchemy)He that is to be saved will be saved, and he that is pred estined to be damned will be damned.(James Fenimore Cooper, The Last of the Mohicans, 1826) Oh, cursed be the hand that made these holes;Cursed the heart that had the heart to do it;Cursed the blood that lets this blood from hence.(Lady Annes curse in Act I, scene 2 of William Shakespeares  King Richard III)An Instrument of DelightBased as it is on identity of sound, parison is usually classified with figures of similitude and sometimes associated with methods of amplification, techniques for expanding and comparing. . . . Parison is, of course, an instrument of delight, causing, in [Henry] Peachams words, delectation by the vertue of proportion and number. At the same time, however, it serves a heuristic function, enlarging and dividing a topic for purposes of analysis, comparison, and discrimination. By arranging ideas into parallel forms, whether phrases or clauses, the prose writer calls the readers attention to an especially significant idea; at the same time, however, such an arrangement focuses the readers mind on the semantic similarities, differences, or oppositi ons exposed in parallel structures. . . .Parison- along with its rhetorical cognates- is one of the cornerstones of early-modern English writing.(Russ McDonald, Compar or Parison: Measure for Measure.Renaissance Figures of Speech, ed. by Sylvia Adamson, Gavin Alexander, and Katrin Ettenhuber. Cambridge University  Press, 2007) Correlative StatementsHere we have a type of notional structure which involves proportionality. It is seen in such statements as the following:  The bigger they are the harder they fall, The harder they work the sooner they go home. And perhaps even in the well-known adage, As Maine goes, so goes the nation, although the latter example is different in some ways from the former two. Each of these examples  implies a set of conditional sentences, thus: The bigger they are the harder they fall could be broken into a set of sentences, If they are small they dont fall very hard; If they are medium-sized they fall rather hard; If they are big, they fall very hard, where small, medium-sized, and big are matched with not very hard, rather hard, and very hard respectively.(Robert E. Longacre, The Grammar of Discourse, 2nd ed. Springer, 1996)

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Songs of Solomon (Bible) Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Songs of Solomon (Bible) - Research Paper Example Other scholars views Song of Songs as Israel’s salvation as it has been picturesque in the Chapter 3 of the Bible. It is not foreign in Hebrew literature to represent Yahweh as a lover and the Shulammite girl as Israel. Throughout the Old Testament, the relationship of God and Israel has been compared to lovers, in the book of Hosea 2:19-20, God has told Israel that He would take her as wife likewise in Isaiah 62:4-5 that almost same message would want to be delivered. This paper , however will not focus on the allegorical interpretation of the Song of Songs, as scholars of the contemporary times have presented it from its literal interpretation which reflects the stages or the development of human love. Such interpretation has more value to our current generation which seemingly has thread way from the Christian value of loving and faithful relationship. The Position of Song of Songs in the Bible King Solomon is known for his wisdom which brought him fame and fortune. It made him attractive to women. It was presented in I Kings Chapter verse 11:3 that he had 700 wives and 300 concubines. In 1King Chapter 3:4-10, Solomon asked Yahweh for wisdom so he could identify right from wrong. Yahweh was very pleased that for Solomon did not asked for wealth, long life nor death for his enemies but rather asked for wisdom. And thus, Yahweh gave him wisdom and even the things that he did not wish for. However, he had sinned against Yahweh brought by his womanizing. King Solomon defied Yahweh, to the extent of worshipping other gods and idols. At the end, there was no account that King Solomon ever repented from his sins and submitted himself again to Yahweh in the book of Kings. It somehow reflects that Solomon was corrupted by his fame and glory. Thus Ecclesiastes reflects his emptiness and questioning the worthiness of life. Song of Songs which is an account of faithfulness, lasting commitment and fidelity in a relationship was placed after Ecclesiastes to show th at hope and love have triumphed over sin and emptiness. Interpreting the Song of Songs The first chapter of the book reveals that its author is King Solomon, the son of King David to Bathsheba. The succeeding verses and chapters illustrate the courtship, engagement, wedding and the enduring love that evolve between King Solomon and the Shulammite girl. Chapters 1:2— Chapter 3:5 beautifully narrates the courtship of King Solomon and the Shulammite girl. Though, the Shulammite woman felt insecure because of her darkened skin brought by her taking care of their vineyard. It is significant to note that in this period of their relationship, the Shulammite woman has been very vocal and was the first to express his longing for Solomon. On the other hand, Solomon expressed his deep admiration for her, as he likened her to Pharaoh’s chariot and to a flower Sharon. The following verses convey the blossoming of flower and the passage of winter, which can be likened to the feeling of bliss that young couples feel on the early stages of a relationship. At the same time, the first few verses of Chapter 3 where the Shulammite woman dreamt of losing Solomon clearly reflects the fear of losing one’s relationship and her search for him reflects her desire in having a relationship for keeps . It should also be noted that the opening verses of chapter 1 is related to the concluding verses of Chapter 8. It speaks of the vineyard and the role of the Shulammite’

Friday, November 1, 2019

Are we taking it too far by blaming fast food restaurants for obesity Research Paper

Are we taking it too far by blaming fast food restaurants for obesity When is it individual responsibility and when is it appropriate to place blame - Research Paper Example Obesity is a major risk factor for several diseases which include cardiovascular problems, Diabetes, Gall stone and is a major health concern today. Working for BBC, Ray Dunne came up with some alarming statistics. The numbers around 300m people worldwide are obese, one in three American adults is obese and one in four Britons is obese. Obesity is estimated to cost the US $75bn annually. Obesity can reduce life expectancy by up to nine years and poor diet and a lack of exercise killed 400,000 Americans in 2000. These are some jaw dropping an alarming factors but the big question that needs to be asked in who is responsible for all this and who is to be put at blame? Last couple of decades showed a rapid growth of corporate world and so did the world of ‘food chain’ business came up. Now there are thousands of food chains all over the world and MacDonald’s being a leading industry in that. In 2003, Jazlyn Bradley aged 19 and Ashley Pelman aged 14, unable to resist the temptation of MacDonald’s and weighing 270 pounds and 170 pounds respectively sued MacDonald for making them obese. They argued that they didn’t know about the food ingredients and their father said that he always thought MacDonald’s was good for his children’s health. The court didn’t seem to agree and said that, "Its not the place of the law to protect them against their own excesses." This totally explains my personal opinion about it as well since it is the responsibility of an individual to decide what is good for health and how much they can consume it. After this case, US House of Representatives also passed a legislation which made it illegal to sue any food chain just because it makes people obese. Diane Fields (5) seems to propose the same idea. Just like you can’t blame tobacco industry for mouth cancer and casinos for problem of gambling, similarly you can’t blame fast restaurants